Generate message box images.
Upload size limit: 500kB; Timeout limit: 5 sec; Process limit: 5 simultaneous requests.
Source code
- Only up to 3 buttons can be rendered properly.
- Maximum amount of characters in title and message is 512.
- Font size cannot be changed.
- Window width can be set up to 720px.
- External resources for fonts and icons are required for rendering text and icon.
Online version
- Few default icons and fonts are available.
- Java Runtime Environment, version 17 or later
- Any TrueType Font (Tahoma preferred)
- Image as 32x32 icon (optional, PNG supported)
java -jar msgboxgen.jvm.jar --title [TITLE] --message [MESSAGE] --buttons [BUTTON;BUTTON;...] --iconPath [ICON_PATH] --fontPath [FONT_PATH] --width [WIDTH] --titleBarStartColor [COLOR] --titleBarEndColor [COLOR] --titleBarTextColor [COLOR] --windowBackgroundColor [COLOR] --messageTextColor [COLOR] --buttonTextColor [COLOR] --buttonBackgroundColor [COLOR] > [OUTPUT_PATH]
--title [TITLE] - Title of the message in title bar
--message [MESSAGE] - Text body in message box
--buttons [BUTTON;BUTTON;...] - Set of buttons separated by ';'
--iconPath [ICON_PATH] - Path to icon for message box
--fontPath [FONT_PATH] - Path to font for rendering text
--width [WIDTH] - Width of message box window
--titleBarStartColor [COLOR] - Gradient start color for title bar
--titleBarEndColor [COLOR] - Gradient end color for title bar
--titleBarTextColor [COLOR] - Text color for title bar
--windowBackgroundColor [COLOR] - Background color for window box
--messageTextColor [COLOR] - Text color for message body
--buttonTextColor [COLOR] - Text color for button body
--buttonBackgroundColor [COLOR] - Background color for button body
With following command:
java -jar msgboxgen.jvm.jar --title "Message" --message "Save changes to 'untitled'?" --buttons "Yes;No;Cancel" --iconPath "./warning.png" --fontPath "./tahoma.ttf" --width "300" --titleBarStartColor "#000080" --titleBarEndColor "#1084d0" --titleBarTextColor "#ffffff" --windowBackgroundColor "#c0c0c0" --messageTextColor [COLOR] --buttonTextColor "#000000" --buttonBackgroundColor "#c0c0c0" > ./output.png
This will generate a message box with given text, image, font, dimension and colors that will be stored to output file as written.
This program is licensed under AGPL-3.0-only.